It’s not every day you get a call to help produce a “virtual” high school graduation. Last month, our team took part in producing District 230’s first-ever “virtual graduation ceremonies” for the senior students and Class of 2020.

The two schools involved were Victor J. Andrew High School and Amos Alonzo Stagg High School from District 230.

virtual graduation film camera setup


Given the COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines in place, both of these schools were not allowed to host the live graduation that normally takes place every year. After a few phone calls with each school’s board members, we collectively started to brainstorm ways to make the graduation ceremony happen one way or another.

Since there was over 500+ kids graduating from each senior class, we had to make sure each student was highlighted and celebrated. It was not a simple task to coordinate the logistics and took patience and collaboration on both ends.


We felt the students deserved our best creative effort for these projects. Although the senior students were not going to be able to experience their normal senior high school graduation, we were not going to let that stop us from making it a special and unique experience for them.

After plenty of brainstorming and contemplation, we came up with a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience for the students. We brought the graduation to them, virtually, for the first time ever in the history of graduations!


Andrew High School – We decided to take a fun direction with a creative twist to their graduation. Utilizing the principal and unique camera techniques, we were able to illustrate a light-hearted scenario for the students at the end of the video. Our approach was to have the principal break the fourth wall to introduce a nostalgic video montage for students to remember what is was like at Andrew pre-pandemic. The footage resembled the packed crowds at student events, hallways filled with friends, and even the classrooms they once sat in. The video b-roll footage was captured by our team from a past project and repurposed to highlight all of the memorable moments from their high school times.


Stagg High School – With careful consideration, we executed a curbside graduation with over 550+ students. In doing so, were able to allow every student who was interested in walking the stage to come and receive their diploma in hand. Students’ parents, friends, and family were all allowed to be there, under the condition of staying inside their car to comply with the COVID guidelines. About 95% of the total student senior body showed up to walk the stage and we were so thrilled to capture the celebration of their high school achievement in-person.


Each video was premiered live on Youtube for all students, families, and friends to watch “together,” separately at their own homes. The videos were enjoyed and deeply appreciated by all for the efforts to make something special for the Class of 2020.

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